Dr. Tom Woodward,

Topic: Science & Miracles!

Author & Speaker

Tom Woodward, who hails from Columbus, Ohio, wears two hats: (1) he is Research Professor at Trinity College of Florida in Tampa Bay, and (2) he directs the C. S. Lewis Society, a non-profit organization which presents evidence for biblical faith on university campuses and in heavily secular cultures. He has spoken on evolution, intelligent design and the existence of God at over 80 colleges and universities in 28 countries. His presentations include lectures at Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Cambridge University (UK), the University of Cape Town, Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru, the University of Budapest, and the University of Sydney, Australia.

He is the author of Doubts about Darwin (2003), and its 2006 sequel, Darwin Strikes Back.  With ophthalmologist Dr. James Gills, he is coeditor of Darwinism under the Microscope, and coauthor of The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA(2012). A Princeton University graduate in History, he received a Th.M. from Dallas Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of South Florida.  His doctoral specialty is the "Rhetoric of Science.”

On CNBC TV Network he debated evolutionist Dr. Brian Alters on the “Squawk Box” hosted by Carl Quintanilla.  Since 2006, Woodward has hosted a weekly radio program: The Universe Next Door. It is aired on WTBN in Tampa, and on other stations reaching five states. It is accessible on the internet at Bayword.com each Saturday at 5:05 p.m.Eastern time.

Dr. Woodward and his wife Normandy Woodward, a graduate of Trinity College, have been blessed with four children and nine grandchildren.


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